
The Savior Has Returned; Wise Virgins Should Quickly Come out to Welcome Him!

return of God


The disaster is getting ever more and more severe now. The signs of the Lord’s return have appeared. Many people have already greeted the Lord, while you have yet to greet the Lord. Haven't you thought about what is going on? Will we be abandoned by the Lord and fall into disasters if we blindly wait for the Lord’s advent upon clouds in such a way?


Now there are people on the Internet who testify that the Lord has come secretly before the great disaster, fulfilling the Lord Jesus’ words: "Behold, I come as a thief" (Revelation 16:15) and "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6).


Do you want to hear the voice of the Bridegroom? Do you want to be a wise virgins and greet the Lord as soon as possible?


Disasters occur frequently. The alarm bell of the last days has already sounded. How can we welcome the Lord? Click here to discuss with us.

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