
How to Quiet Our Hearts Before God While Busy

Quiet Our Hearts Before God While Busy

Fast-paced life always makes our life busy. Many times, when we ask brothers and sisters, “What are you busy with?” Some answer that they are busy with their work, some busy with their studies, and some busy looking for a marriage partner for their children. However, very few say, “I’m busy quieting before the Lord and reading God’s words.” Living in such a busy life, we feel more and more distant from God in our hearts, feel spiritually dark, and are unable to grasp the Lord’s presence, thus often living in pain and helplessness. So, how should we quiet our hearts before God and restore our proper relationship with God?


God says, “Being at peace before God does not mean not cooking or doing chores, or not living one’s life; rather, it is being able to quiet one’s heart before God in all normal states, and to have a place for God in one’s heart. When you pray, you should kneel down properly before God to pray; when you do chores or prepare food, quiet your heart before God, ponder God’s words, or sing hymns. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you should have your own way to practice, you should do everything you can to draw close to God, and you should try with all your might to quiet your heart before God. When circumstances permit, pray single-mindedly; when circumstances do not permit, draw near to God in your heart while doing the task at hand. When you can eat and drink God’s words, then eat and drink His words; when you can pray, then pray; when you can contemplate God, then contemplate Him. In other words, do your utmost to train yourself for entry according to your environment.


We can see from God’s words that quieting before God means that we make a true pray to God and have true communion with God and get close to God in our hearts. No matter how busy we are with external matters, we can contemplate God’s words and God’s love in our hearts. In this way, we can live before God. If we practice like this every day, we will be often moved by the Holy Spirit and have the path of practice in all things we encounter in daily life. Even if we are busier, we feel relaxed in the heart.




How should you keep your faith in God in trying times? The content about how to understand God’s will will bring you inspiration. Click here to discuss with us.

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