
Only Christ Is the Truth—This Is What Those Who Welcome the Lord’s Return Should Know


From yesterday’s post, we come to know the relationship between knowing the truth and welcoming the Lord. Only those who know the truth can welcome the Lord. Today, let’s then discuss together: What is the truth?


Almighty God says, “The truth comes from the world of man, yet the truth among man is passed on by Christ. It originates from Christ, that is, from God Himself, and this is not something man is capable of.


The truth is the most real of life’s aphorisms, and the highest of such aphorisms among all mankind. Because it is the requirement that God makes of man, and is the work personally done by God, thus it is called life’s aphorism. It is not an aphorism summed up from something, nor is it a famous quote from a great figure; instead, it is the utterance to mankind from the Master of the heavens and earth and all things, and not some words summed up by man, but the inherent life of God. And so it is called the highest of all life’s aphorisms.


From God’s words, we see that the truth comes from God, from the expression of Christ. The words spoken by Christ are the expression of God’s disposition and what God has and is and completely reveal to us the mystery of God’s management plan and God’s requirement and will for mankind. All the words expressed by Christ are the truth, our indispensable principle and direction for how to live and how to conduct ourselves and how to worship God, and the way of life God bestows upon man. The truth is God’s life being, with authority and power, so only the truth can save and change man and become man’s eternal life. As long as we live by the truth, then we can live out the likeness of a real person, gain true knowledge of God, obey and worship God, and become compatible with God. Eventually, we are able to become the people in line with God’s will and be brought into the kingdom of God. All these are the results achieved by the truth expressed by God. Nobody is able to express these truths!


For example, at the end of the Age of Law, people committed more and more sins and couldn’t keep the laws, facing the danger of being put to death by the laws. Under such a background, was there any famous spiritual figure or religious leader able to bring new ways of practice for people and to supply what people need for their life? None. When the Lord Jesus Christ came, He bestowed upon man the way of repentance and did the work of redemption to forgive man’s sin and save man from the condemnation and punishment of the laws. The truth expressed by Lord Jesus not only allowed people to know God’s mercy and compassion and God’s great love, but it also brought man the new ways of practice and new teaching such as confessing and repenting, loving the enemies, being humble and patient and tolerant, and required man to love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and to bear the cross and to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and so forth. All these truths were the new ways of practice for the people at that time, and their indispensable principle and direction for how to live and how to conduct themselves and how to worship God, able to save and change man and be man’s everlasting life. As people practiced according to the Lord’s words, they all had some changes in their outward behaviors, for instance, they were able to tolerate and forgive others, etc. and also lived out the normal humanity somewhat. That was the result achieved by the truth expressed by Lord Jesus.


It can be seen that only Christ is capable of expressing the truth, pointing out the new ways of practice for man, saving and changing man, and supplying man’s life. Any famous spiritual figure or religious leader cannot express the truth. After we understand what the truth is, then we have the path to welcome the Lord. When we hear someone testifying that Lord Jesus has returned, we should seek and investigate the true way actively and see if there is the expression of the truth and if it can supply man’s life, then we will know whether Lord Jesus has returned or not.




Most brothers and sisters believe that the Lord will come back in the clouds. But the Bible also predicts that the Lord will come as a thief. How exactly will the Lord come? How will the prophecies of “the Lord coming in the clouds” and “come as a thief” be fulfilled? Click here to discuss with us.



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