
English Christian Song “Do You Have True Faith in Christ?”


You never fully believe the word of Christ

and cannot practice it right away.

It’s the reason for your lack of faith,

along with your notions of Him.


Verse 1

Forever skeptical of Christ’s work,

letting His words fall on deaf ears,

having opinions on Christ’s work

yet not understanding it,

struggling to put your notions aside

no matter the explanations,

all these ways of unbelief

live within your hearts.



God only perfects those who truly believe,

not the skeptical or least of all those,

ones who follow reluctantly,

not believing He is God,

not believing He is God.


Verse 2

Though you follow the work of Christ

and never fall behind,

the rebellion mixed in your hearts

makes your faith impure.

You may not think it so,

but if you can’t see your motives,

then you are bound to be among

those who perish.



God only perfects those who truly believe,

not the skeptical or least of all those,

ones who follow reluctantly,

not believing He is God.

God only perfects those who truly believe,

not the skeptical or least of all those,

ones who follow reluctantly,

not believing He is God,

not believing He is God.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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