
Isaiah 55:7 - God Has Mercy on Those Who Turn From the Evil Way


Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.


-Isaiah 55:7


Thoughts on Today’s Verse…


We can feel God’s true love and compassion for us in this verse. As long as we sincerely repent and forsake the violence in our hands, God will listen to our prayers and forgive our sins. Just as when the wickedness of the people of Nineveh had reached the eyes of God, Jehovah God wished to send down disasters to destroy them. However, because of their true confession and repentance of sins before God, the Ninevites received God’s mercy. God decided not to bring the catastrophe upon the city of Nineveh. It can be seen that as long as we truly repent, we can receive God’s mercy. Just as God says, “While the city of Nineveh was filled with people just as corrupt, evil and violent as those of Sodom, their repentance caused God to change His heart and decide not to destroy them. Because their reaction to God’s words and instructions demonstrated an attitude in stark contrast to that of the citizens of Sodom, and because of their honest submission to God and honest repentance for their sins, as well as their true and heartfelt behavior in all regards, God once more demonstrated His heartfelt pity and bestowed it upon them. God’s reward and His pity for humanity are impossible for anyone to duplicate; no person can possess God’s mercy or tolerance, nor His sincere feelings toward humanity.


From: Grow in Christ



Disasters have become more frequent in recent years and the prophecies in the Bible concerning the coming of the Lord have now been fulfilled. So why have we still not seen the Lord descending on a cloud? Has the Christ returned or not? How exactly will the Lord appear to man when He returns, and what can we do to greet Him? Click here to discuss with us.

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