
God Loves Those Who Love God. A Commentary on John 14:23


Jesus answered and said to him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our stayed with him.


John 14:23


Thoughts on Today’s Verse…


From this verse, we can see that those who truly love God can keep God’s words. They are the ones that God likes, because they can share in God’s thoughts and concerns, be of one mind with God, act in accordance with God’s will in all things, and can obey and fear God. Take, Peter, the Lord Jesus’ disciple, for example. He pursued love of God and satisfying God his entire life, and accepted God’s commission to him to shepherd the Lord’s sheep without his personal plans and considerations. He obeyed God unto death and loved God to the utmost. He was finally crucified hanging upside-down, bearing beautiful and resounding witness for God. Peter was a man after God’s will and his seeking gained God’s approval. This is why the Lord Jesus gave him the keys of the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, only if we imitate Peter to pursue to be someone who obeys God, fears God, and loves God, will we have God’s presence and blessing, and receive His promise. Just as God says, “The reason why only those who truly love God have the most value and meaning in their lives, and only they truly believe in God, is because these people live in God’s light, they are able to live for God’s work and management; they do not live in darkness, but live in the light; they do not live meaningless lives, but lives that have been blessed by God. Only those who love God are able to testify to God, only they are God’s witnesses, only they are blessed by God, and only they are able to receive God’s promises. Those who love God are God’s intimates, they are the people beloved by God, and they can enjoy blessings together with God. Only people such as this will live to eternity, and only they will forever live under God’s care and protection.” (“Those Who Love God Will Forever Live Within His Light”)


From: Grow in Christ




We believers in the Lord all hope to be raptured into the Kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns in the last days and enjoy the beautiful life there. So where is the Kingdom of heaven? What people can enter it? How can we enter it? These selected Bible verses about entry into the Kingdom of heaven and related content will show you the way. Click here to discuss with us.



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