
Psalm 51:10 - Create in Me a Clean Heart


Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.


– Psalm 51:10



Thoughts on Today’s Verse


This is David’s prayer. He asked God to create in him a clean heart. After reading this verse, I was thinking: Are we clean without sin? The Lord Jesus asks us to love one another, to be tolerant and patient with others. However, when getting along with others, because of our arrogance, we are always unyielding toward others, look down upon others, and even hate others and live in sin. If we pray to God and ask Him to cleanse our hearts so that we can humble ourselves, practice according to His word, then we’ll relate well to others. Therefore, regardless of what happened to us, we should first come before God to pray and seek, ask Him to give us strength and faith to overcome sin, so that our relationship with God will be closer and closer, our faith in Him will become greater and greater. Just as God says, “Man’s disposition constantly changes as he prays, and the more that he is moved by the Spirit of God, the more proactive and obedient he is. So, too, will his heart gradually be purified, after which his disposition will gradually change. Such is the effect of true prayer.” So, it is of importance for us to pray to God.


From: Grow in Christ




• 15 Bible Verses About Faith to Increase Our Faith in Hard Times


• 3 Helpful Ways on How to Pray so God Will Listen


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