
Prayer · 22. July 2021
Praying is a way for Christians to commune with God and obtain enlightenment from Him, and is an essential practice in our daily life.
Prayer · 13. July 2021
Praying without ceasing is of great importance to us Christians. It is the best way for us to communicate with God, gain the Holy Spirit’s work, stay away from Satan’s harm and obtain God’s care and protection.
Prayer · 08. July 2021
And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Truly I say to you, They have their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret; and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly.
Prayer · 01. July 2021
I will put more effort into practicing praying and speaking practical and heartfelt words, only so can I receive the work of the Holy Spirit greatly, and walk the path toward salvation.
Prayer · 10. June 2021
the crux of prayer is to speak to God from your heart, telling Him your shortcomings or rebellious disposition, laying yourself completely open before Him; only then will God be interested in your prayers, or else He will hide His face from you. The minimum criterion for prayer is that you must be able to keep your heart quiet before God, and it must not depart from God.
Prayer · 04. June 2021
What is true prayer? It is telling God what is in your heart, communing with God as you grasp His will, communicating with God through His words, feeling especially close to God, sensing He is there before you, and believing you have something to say to Him.
Prayer · 02. June 2021
There is nothing God despises more than the prayers of religious ceremony. Prayers to God are only accepted when they are sincere. If you have nothing sincere to say, then keep quiet; do not always speak false words and blindly make oaths before God, trying to deceive Him, talking about how much you love Him, about how much you wish to be loyal to Him. If you are incapable of achieving your desires, if you lack this resolve and stature, do not, under any circumstances, pray thus before God.
Prayer · 10. May 2021
whether or not God listens to our prayers does not depend on how long or short our prayers are, nor on how pleasing to the ear our words are, but crucially it depends on whether or not we speak to God sincerely and from the heart.
Prayer · 30. April 2021
What does it mean to truly pray? It means speaking the words within your heart to God, and communing with God having grasped His will and based upon His words; it means feeling particularly close to God, feeling that He is in front of you, and that you have something to say to Him; and it means being especially radiant within your heart, and feeling that God is especially lovely.
Prayer · 29. March 2021
we should have a reverent heart
“O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).

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