
Only by Focusing on Hearing the Voice of God Can We Greet the Lord

We will continue to fellowship the practice of those who welcomed the Lord Jesus and received His salvation.


1. When hearing the Lord Jesus speak of his matter under the fig tree, Nathanael could recognize the Lord Jesus as the Messiah and then followed Him and gained His salvation.


2. The Samaritan woman heard the Lord Jesus give voice to her secrets so she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah and accepted His gospel.


3. Facing the Lord Jesus’ gospel spread by Philip, the Ethiopian Eunuch listened to humbly, believed, and accepted it and finally gained the Lord’s salvation.


Brothers and sisters, after reading these three examples, have you known that the successful practice of welcoming the Lord is listening to God’s voice? Then how can we welcome the Lord’s return in the last days? The successful practice is also listening to the voice of God.


Revelation prophesies,"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me"(Rev 3:20)."He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches"(Revelation 3:13).We can see from these prophecies that the Lord will utter words to knock on the door upon His return in the last days. When we hear someone testify that the Lord has returned and expressed words, we should actively seek and hear whether these words are the voice of God. Those who accept God’s work once they determine that these words are the voice of God will welcome the Lord. Nowadays, many people are bearing witness that the Lord has returned long ago and has uttered millions of words. Upon hearing this news, what will you do?


» Extended Reading:


How Will Jesus Return in the Last Days: 2 Ways


Signs of Christ’s Return Have Appeared: The Lord Has Returned


Jesus Will Come Like a Thief in the Night: How Will This Prophecy Come True?


The Lord has come back. Want to know how to welcome Him and be raptured before the disasters? Click here to discuss with us.