Posts tagged with "believe in God"

Delving Into the Bible · 05. February 2021
God Blessed Job
God’s assessment of Job is, “That there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil” (Job 1:8).
Daily Bread · 03. February 2021
In Job’s Daily Life We See His Perfection, Uprightness, Fear of God, and Shunning of Evil
God is holy. So are we qualified to enter the heavenly kingdom since our sins haven't been cleansed? Read this article to learn more.
Bible Verse of the Day · 21. August 2020
Psalm 119:37
Today's Bible verse is Psalm 119:37. The whole world is under Satan's control and is full of temptations of sins, such as worshiping evil spirits and idols, feast, passions and lusts … How can we completely overcome Satan's temptations?
Bible Verse of the Day · 18. August 2020
Today's Bible verse is Psalm 145:18. This verse mentions that God is closer to us if we call on Him in truth. God wants us to pray from the heart. However, many times we fail to make it in the prayer.
Bible Verse of the Day · 15. August 2020
Matthew 11:12
Bible Verse: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.Matthew 11:12
Delving Into the Bible · 14. August 2020
appearance of God
What's the danger if we believe in God based on the viewpoint "seeing is believing"? The author found the reason of Thomas' failure through investigating, which enlightened him. He came to realize how to believe in God in order to obtain His praise.
How Will Jesus Christ Return · 13. August 2020
Follow God’s Footsteps
A great disaster has been raging the world since the beginning of 2020. Some people are filled with gratitude that the disaster did not befall them; some people are worried: The news constantly reports that the second wave of the pandemic may break out at any time. Will they still be safe once it happens? In the face of the disaster, we all may be worried and afraid. But we need to know that only God can save us from disasters! Now the Lord has come secretly before the disaster, expressing...
Bible Verse of the Day · 09. August 2020
Matthew 26:41
Today's Bible verse is Matthew 26:41, Prayer is our spiritual need. We can only gain strength to satisfy God’s demands by praying to Him.
Prayer · 30. July 2020
believe in God
This article will tell you the importance of Christians praying to God, what true prayer is, and how to enter into true prayer. Read now to learn more.

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