Posts tagged with "Jesus will come again"

Be Raptured Into God’s Kingdom · 04. February 2021
Find the Answer in the Bible
The Lord Jesus once said: ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away’ (Matthew 24:35).
Christian Video Clips · 22. January 2021
The Lord Jesus said, “But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first” (Matthew 19:30). “My sheep hear my voice” (John 10:27).
How Will Jesus Christ Return · 01. January 2021
Some people are saying that the Lord has in fact already returned, while others say that when the Lord returns everyone will see Him. There are so many different opinions about this. So, how on earth will the Lord return? What do you all think of this issue?
Second Coming of Jesus · 25. May 2020
We Christians all know that when the Lord Jesus descends for the second time, He will receive us so that we can be with Him. This is the promise that the Lord has made to us, and also is the greatest longing for all Christians. So welcoming the Lord’s second coming is the most important matter of us believers’ lives. But to welcome the Lord, we must first know in what way His second coming will happen.